What are the potential complications?

Fortunately, significant complications from breast augmentation are infrequent, however, all surgery has risks. Dr. Mezrow will discuss with you, the risks, benefits and alternatives and answer all your questions.

Some potential complications include infection, bleeding, delayed healing, implant malposition, hardened scar tissue around the breast implant (capsular contracture), breast implant rupture or leak, altered nipple sensation, breast implant rippling, fluid accumulation around the breast implant and poor scarring.


Complications, which delays healing and prolongs recovery, are more common in diabetic patients and those who smoke. Preoperative and postoperative instructions will be given to you by Dr. Mezrow in attempt to reduce the likelihood of complications and make you as comfortable as possible with the whole process. Smokers will be instructed to stop smoking 4-6 weeks prior to surgery and not resume smoking to reduce the risk of delayed healing, wounds, infections and compromised outcome. Aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications as well as agents that cause bleeding should be discontinued two weeks prior to surgery (or as otherwise instructed by Dr. Mezrow and your primary physician) to reduce the likelihood of bleeding.