Craig Mezrow MS, MD, FACS

What is Fotofacial?

Our Fotofacials use gentle intense pulsed light to create youthful vitality, tone, texture, color and smoothness to the skin. The Fotofacial is a no-downtime, outpatient procedure that fades pink and brown skin discolorations, improves rosacea, lessens pores and smooths fine wrinkles.


Who is a candidate?

Individuals with all skin types who desire improvement in fine lines, wrinkles, facial spider veins, blemishes and brown spots of the face, neck, chest, hands, etc.

Individuals who have sun-damaged skin, aging skin, oily skin with enlarged pores and acne scarring are candidates. FotoFacial™ treatments involve the use of pulsed light and Radiofrequency energy gently directed at fine wrinkles, pink discoloration, rosacea and brown discoloration. The treatment stimulates the production of your own collagen and after approximately five to six treatments, your fine wrinkles appear smoother. The pulsed light also fades spider veins, brown spots and sun-damaged skin. FotoFacials™ produce a smoother, youthful, vital and less-blemished looking skin. This treatment works equally effectively on most colors of skin.

Check out Before and After photos of our clients

Recuperation and Healing:

Most patients have no side effects. Following treatment, some may find the skin to be light pink (flushed). This fades within a few hours. The skin feels soft and even. Studies show fine wrinkles and blemishes improve by 50-75% of patients after approximately six treatments. The patient can reapply makeup and return to work and activities. It takes approximately six treatments to achieve best results, depending on the skin type and condition.

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