Craig Mezrow MS, MD, FACS

Breast Implants


Silicone Breast Implants

Silicone breast implants are NOW FDA APPROVED for cosmetic breast augmentation. Nearly 300,000 breast augmentations are performed each year using saline implants. Since 1992, the FDA has instituted a moratorium on the cosmetic use of silicone breast implants, with some exceptions and saline implants have dominated the US market. Science has shown silicone breast implants to be safe and the advantages over saline implants is significant for many patients. The patients that will likely benefit most from silicone implants are patients that are thin and have minimal breast tissue. These patients will have improved cosmetic outcome having less implant rippling and a more natural feel and appearance compared to saline implants.

We are excited for the reintroduction of silicone implants for cosmetic breast augmentation.


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